Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cable news outfit promotes class-warfare disguised as "anti-lumpenism", ridicules critical thinking, and declares war on reason.

Sorry about the long title.. and I know, two in one night.. sorry.  I had to... anyway:

Was German Airport Shooting Terror?Subline:
"German and American authorities are investigating if the shooting attack that killed two U.S. airmen at a Frankfurt airport was an act of terror after a source tells Fox News the shooter yelled 'Allah Akbar.'"


Apparent-fucking-ly It's only "terror"(ism) if people scream shit that sounds like something that might be said somewhere in the middle east?

Here's a copy-paste (I am taking fair use to the extreme tonight). From "free online dictionary":ter·ror 
1. Intense, overpowering fear. See Synonyms at fear.
2. One that instills intense fear: a rabid dog that became the terror of the neighborhood.
3. The ability to instill intense fear: the terror of jackboots pounding down the street.
4. Violence committed or threatened by a group to intimidate or coerce a population, as for military or political purposes.
5. Informal An annoying or intolerable pest: that little terror of a child.

it would seem that this is a fairly broad definition, and mentions nothing about what is exactly screamed at the moment of 'terror'. So, by definition, it was 'terror'(ism) Fuck you fox news, and all of you goddamn idiots who gulp this shit up. Fox is spiraling out of control.. not even a year ago you could still count on the non-editorial shit to be unbiased, now it's overt at every level of the outfit.

My headline:
Cable news empire promotes class-warfare disguised as "anti-lumpenism", ridicules critical thinking, and declares war on reason.

**mumbles something different, this time about chimpanzees**


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