it was requested to remove the namespace and put all of the controllers in the root namespace.
Panic ensued.
I came up with a quick solution, instead of re-writing a bunch of controllers, helpers JS and views:
Thankfully I had used path helpers in most cases, except javascript. I went back, and put helpers in all of those places where I had been lazy, and used an actual path. Then, when my routes file had
namespace :one do
resources :things, :stuff
I changed it to (not inside any namespace)
scope module: 'one', as: 'one' do
resources :things, :stuff
The module option sets the module prefix to be used in controllers (so I didn't have to change those), and the as option put the prefixes on the path helpers (so they'd still work even though it was all in root namespace).
Upon further investigation, I found that the namespace route helper actually just uses scope like this
namespace :something do
converts to
scope module: :something, path: :something, as: :something do
So there. If you ever need a wholesale change, you can drop the namespace helper in routes, and use scope to change the path without renaming a bunch of stuff.
Hopefully this saves someone the headache I was looking at when the change was proposed.
You can also use:
namespace :users, path: false do
which is more readable.
Brilliant, thanks!
Brilliant, thanks!
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